JOB OPPORTUNITY: A Current Affair seeks Experienced Racists for Anti-Asian Scoop—Immediate Start, Big $$$, Apply Within

Sydney, NEW SOUTH WALES—Channel 9's acclaimed journalism program, A Contrived Current Affair, is seeking experienced racists for an upcoming Anti-Asian story and offering a generous payment for any comment. The Bokchoy's resident Asian News Reporter, Benjamin Chow, has the inside scoop.

For over 30 years, A Contrived Current Affair (ACA), one of Australia's most unbiased news programs, has been at the forefront of investigative journalism.

With more than 10 Logie purchases wins during its tenure, ACA cemented its reputation as Australia's flagship current affairs news program as early as the 1970s.

A household name to many Australian families, ACA has also built a tradition of giving back to the community—by offering generous amounts of money to members of the public to appear in television interviews. The latest opportunity is as follows:

Many who have already applied for the job have praised ACA for the lenient eligibility criteria: any history of Anti-Asian sentiment, which covers at least 90-percent of the Australian public.

"We really believe in Equal Opportunity at Channel 9 and wanted to offer this position to as many people as possible," a source from ACA said.

Have an experience with shonky Asian tradies turning our fat kids into welfare cheats that spread their kitchen germs from the neighbour from hell? Apply now on The Bokchoy's Facebook page.