Jiromo Aalif Danjuma, African Diamond Mine Child Worker, Dies Aged 7 after 84-month battle with Malnutrition

Limpopo, SOUTH AFRICA—Jiromo Aalif Danjuma, African diamond mine child worker, has died aged 7, after an 84-month battle with malnutrition and unsanitary living conditions.

Jiromo Aalif Danjuma was birthed on the shores of the Limpopo River, and started his promising career as a diamond mine child worker at just age 2, but sadly it was cut short by illness and poor living conditions.

The management at De Bier's Diamond Jewellers spoke fondly of Jiromo, saying: "I remember even back when [Jiromo] was 3 years old, he would often work 14 hours a day without complaining. And by age 5, he learned to obey without being threatened with a whip. An incredible young man, he must have dug some 20,000 diamonds in his short time with us. Needless to say, he died doing what he loved."

The Bokchoy sends its thoughts and prayers to Jiromo's family.